10 Things Community Associations Get Wrong!

By Pejman D. Kharrazian, Esq.



These are the top ten things I see landing community associations in hot water:

  1. Conditional Approvals for Architectural Applications

Don’t give conditional approval. Either approve or deny an owner’s architectural application. If there are “conditions” that would make an application approvable, deny the application, but welcome the owner to resubmit with the conditions addressed. Conditional approvals create ambiguity that can later cause problems for the association.

  1. Emailing Too Much

Cut back on emails? Sounds great!  There are (at least) two good reasons to cut down on emails:

First, under the Open Meetings Act (found in Sections 4900 et seq. of the Davis-Stirling Act), association business must generally be conducted at a duly noticed meeting. Emails amongst directors and management can easily run afoul of the Act and cross the line to an impermissible and illegal board meeting.

Second, most emails are discoverable in litigation. The less emails there are, the less there is to be discovered by a would-be plaintiff. In short, try to save most discussions for board meetings.

  1. Spilling the Beans

Many boards believe transparency is the touchstone of good governance. But that is not entirely true. The board, first and foremost, owes a duty to the association (the corporate entity). One of those duties is the duty of confidentiality. Certain information cannot and should not be shared with the membership. For example, confidential information discussed during executive session, attorney-client privileged information, information that compromises the privacy of owners (such as information related to assessments or member discipline), or information that can subject the association to liability should not be shared.

  1. Not Reading/Following Governing Documents

You mean I have to read all those governing documents? Yes! As a director, your decisions must be made with reasonable diligence, and that includes being familiar with the association’s governing documents (e.g., the CC&Rs, Bylaws, Condominium Plan, and Rules and Regulations). If the board cannot understand the provisions (yes, sometimes they can be confusing or poorly drafted) it should consult with legal counsel to help interpret.

  1. Overstepping Power/Authority

Powers and duties of the board can be found in the Davis-Stirling Act, other applicable laws, or the association’s governing documents. Boards are limited in the scope of their power and authority and need to ensure they stay within those boundaries. When in doubt, seek the advice of legal counsel, to determine whether the board has the authority to do what it is seeking to do.

  1. Inconsistent Enforcement

“Well, we let those owners do it because we like them” is not a good answer! The association’s governing documents need to be enforced uniformly and consistently. If the board gets heartburn when enforcing a rule or it is difficult to enforce, the underlying rule probably needs to be amended or repealed.

  1. Missing the Mark on Civil Rights or Fair Housing Issues

Discrimination and disability issues are major pitfalls for associations. Federal and state laws are quite onerous and technical in this area. Consult with legal counsel early and often on these issues, even just allegations, because a false step can be very costly for an association.

  1. Keeping Assessments Too Low

Often a director is heard saying:  “I was voted to the board to keep assessments low.” Keeping assessments low is important to the membership, for sure, but too often this notion is taken too far such that the association’s operating and reserve funds are not adequately funded. This can lead to deferred maintenance, large special assessments, and other problems.

  1. Responding to Online Posts

As a director, responding to online posts on social media is rarely, if ever, fruitful. A director or manager responding to social media posts can result in liability (defamation for example), be construed as speaking with the board’s authority, enflame the situation, or worse. So often, ignoring an online post or comment is the better move.

  1. Acting Without Legal Advice

The list of laws and cases that govern associations is large, and ever growing and evolving. Add in the provisions and requirements of your governing documents, and it quickly can become overwhelming, even for seasoned community managers. A bit of timely legal advice can make all the difference in staying on the right track and avoiding pitfalls and liabilities.