The Davis-Stirling Act was originally passed into law in 1985 with the purpose of creating, governing and guiding community associations. After years of amendments and revisions, the entire Act was recodified, effective January 1, 2014. The Davis-Stirling Act serves as the primary set of laws governing the day-to-day activities of community associations. In addition to the Davis-Stirling Act, the Corporations Code, other portions of the Civil Code and other miscellaneous statutes and regulations provide the framework within which community associations operate. Click here to download the Davis-Stirling Act in PDF version.

Brackets at the end of each section show the legislative year in which the bill was enacted or last amended, e.g., [2019] for statutes enacted in the 2019 session of the Legislature.  Most new or amended statutes take effect on January 1 following the year enacted.  Statutes with operative (effective) dates before or after January 1 are noted.

Epsten, APC has gathered and carefully compiled the information in this section in such a way as to ensure its maximum accuracy. However, due to the considerable volume and complexity of the content material, the publisher cannot and does not guarantee the correctness of all the information furnished, nor the complete absence of errors and omissions. Hence, no responsibility for same can be or is assumed. Epsten, APC provides the Davis-Stirling Act and Other Statutes for reference only.

Davis-Stirling Act