Meeting Minutes

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Two key things to remember with regard to meeting minutes:

  1. Less is more; and
  2. Minutes should only reflect actions and not discussion.


Minutes should include the following information:

  1. When was the meeting held? (date, time, place)
  2. Who was present at the meeting? (board members, manager, others)
  3. Who was absent? (board members)
  4. What topics were discussed?
  5. What decisions were made?
    1. Any consent agenda for routine items to expedite the meeting. (Approval of minutes, payment of bills payable, etc.)
  6. Other actions agreed upon, who is assigned to do them and when?
  7. Any materials distributed? Copies attached to minutes or in board packet?
  8. Is there anything special the reader of the minutes should know or do?
  9. Next meeting? Regular time or special meetings scheduled? Agenda items.

Minutes should NOT include the following information:

  1. Items of correspondence;
  2. Recitations of comments made in homeowner forum;
  3. He said/she said dialogue of board members.

The Civil Code provides that certain items/information must be included in the open board meeting minutes:

Members are entitled to copies of minutes (or a draft or summary of the minutes), except for executive session minutes, within 30 days after the meeting upon request and payment of a reasonable cost. (Civ. Code §4950; Corp. Code §8330 et seq.)