
The display of noncommercial signs, posters and flags is subject to reasonable rules and regulations established by the board of directors. Boards may not prohibit noncommercial signs and posters that are less than 9 square feet in size. Keep in mind that the first amendment protects free speech and courts are traditionally protective of individuals’ rights to express themselves. See Flags for a discussion of the U.S. Flag.

Salary Information

Under the Civil Code, owners may make a document request upon the association wherein they ask for salary information of the association’s employees. Civil Code section 5215 states that information for individual employees shall be set forth by job classification or title, not by the employee’s name, social security number, or other person information. If you receive this type of request, contact your attorney because the association has a duty to protect certain privacy interests of its employees.


Associations, excepting qualified senior communities, may not be able to prohibit the use of skateboards in the common area without risking a claim of familial status or age discrimination in violation of the Fair Housing Act (“FHA”) and Unruh Act (“Unruh”) respectively. Further, many rules restricting the usage of skateboards may also run afoul of FHA and Unruh – even if they are intended to protect skateboarders.