A virtual presentation on community association legal issues specifically for Board Members
Were you recently elected to the Board of Directors? Are you a long-standing board member who needs a refresher on the duties of being a board member?
Join Epsten, APC attorneys for a virtual “Board Basics” presentation covering the key responsibilities of being a board member.
Important: Please note that our webinars are not recorded and that we do not share our PowerPoint slide decks. Thank you for your understanding.
May 22 Thu Board Basics Part 1: Directors’ Duties [Free Webinar] @ Virtual - Zoom May 22 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Jul 10 Thu Board Basics Part 2: Rules & Enforcement [Free Webinar] @ Virtual - Zoom Jul 10 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Subscribe to filtered calendar
Registration is required and space is limited.
Pursuant to the State Bar of California Rules of Professional Conduct, Epsten, APC is notifying you that this program and/or materials are being provided for advertising purposes. The content provided contains suggestions and opinions on general legal issues involving California community associations and common interest developments. This content is for educational purposes only, is not intended for commercial use and may not be relied upon in addressing any specific legal issues. Specific policies and procedures that your association, management company and/or law firm have developed may differ and may fully satisfy all applicable laws.
Copyright by EPSTEN, APC, unless otherwise indicated. Materials may not be reproduced or distributed without express permission of Epsten, APC.